Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Raw Diet Day 2

Tuesday 3/27/07
Morning Weight: 174 pounds
Basal Metabolic Rate*: 1899 kcal
+ General Activity*: 1124 kcal
+ Extra Activity and Exercise: 368 kcal
± Weight Loss/Gain Goal: 1000kcal
Day Quota: 3391 kcal
- Consumed: 1993 kcal
Calories Left: 398 kcal

10 bananas: 1050 calories
2 cups pineapple: 149 calories
4 grapefruit: 164 calories
6 bananas: 630 calories

I told you that I had been thirsty last night, so It was no surprise to me when I woke up the first time to take a leak after heading to bed around midnight. The second time was a bit more annoying. And the third trip, right after my alarm went off at 7:30, must have lasted a good minute.

I went to the gym to run the track and weighed myself in the bathroom on the weighted based-and presumably accurate- scale that they have there. I came in at 174 pounds. Yes! I double checked it. That same scale had told me that I was 180 the day before. If you read the about me post, you'll remember that I'm super sensitive to....salt..grains? And that I retain water like crazy. This is me losing said retained water. I'm curious to see how fast this loss continues.

So I ran, did some bodyweight exercises, and went to breakfast.

Soon after breakfast I had developed a low level throb in my head. This is strange; when I was younger I suffered from chronic migraine headaches which sometimes left me curled in ball in agony. I stopped having them when I lost the weight and cut out caffeine when I was in High School though, and even the minor pains stopped after I went vegan. I remembered how bad they used to get however, so It didn't seem so bad.

After dinner I began to feel a bit disconnected, but I drank tons of water and now I feel much better.

Hope the whole feeling good part of the diet kicks in soon.

1 comment:

ChrisMtl66 said...

Hey Andrew, Chris again...
I can't help comment on your blog entries, as I find this extremely interesting and again, I went through a 6 month all raw trial last summer following 80/10/10RV, and am about to embark on it again. I'm also strict vegan, for about 8 years now.
Actually one of the first things I noticed was how much initial weight I lost in the first 5 days. roughly 9 pounds, and I didn't look like a person who had lost 9 pounds, lol. I attributed this to water also, retained due to my high salt diet (I love my tamari). Dr. Graham mentions this in his book and attributes water loss not only to less salt in the diet but also less toxins caused by cooked food, thus no longer requiring retained water to dilute them.
Last point ... about the great feeling kicking in, I know many feel this towards the very beginning, but for me, and I'm not sure if it was due to not getting enough calories for the first month, but I didn't start feeling great until around the 2nd or third month, actually feeling my best on the very last day of the 6 month period. So be patient, 1 week may not be enough.
- ChrisMtl66