Monday, April 2, 2007

Raw Diet Day 8

Monday, 4/2/07
Morning Weight: 166.5 pounds
+ Basal Metabolic Rate*: 1852 kcal
+ General Activity*: 1096 kcal
+ Extra Activity and Exercise: 238 kcal
- Weight Loss Goal: 1000 kcal
Day Quota: 2186 kcal
- Consumed: 1959 kcal
Calories Left: 227 kcal


Salad: 124 calories
8 Bananas: 840 calories
2 cups Pineapple: 149 calories
1/2 of a Cherimoya: 202 calories
1 Kiwano: 25 calories
Banana Ice Cream: approximately 158 calories
6 pink Grapefruit: 459 Calories

Sadly, this marks my last full day on raw eating for the time being, though it was certainly a positive experience, and one I intend to return to in time. I'll be eating cooked over easter, and I figure it's best to retransition in gradually rather than to do it all at once and risk getting sick. The positive of this is that you'll get to see the effects of cooked foods on me. I expect to jump back up to 180 pounds, a 14 pound gain or so, in a matter of two or three days once I reintegrate grains into my diet.

However, as I'm endlessly curious about what causes such water retention in me, I think I'm going to experiment with cooked potatoes and greens with no salt the first day to see if I've gained tremendously by Wednesday. It may be possible that potatoes don't have the same negative effect that rice and kasha do, (though damn, am I ever looking forward to kasha and rice and beans).

I was tremendously pleased with my weight loss, and today's picture looks the best yet, I think. My face is still mostly clear as well. I've also had tremendous energy for the passed few days, and I hope no one will take objection if I mention that the portion of my life that takes place between the sheets-yet which does not involve REM cycles- has garnered no complaints from either party. My mood has been great the whole time, and I can only imagine how pumped I'd be if I were living off watermelon.

P.S., I'm quite aware that I not being too bright with mixing all these new kinds of fruits together in my stomach over short periods, but I'll live.

My last day did include some rather interesting new fruit though. My girlfriend brought over a Cherimoya, the smell of which was delicious even before I had opened it up. The texture was similar to custard, and probably extremely fatty as well. I'm not a huge fan of fatty fruits; I can only take a very small piece of avocado at a time, for instance, as my stomach doesn't really like the greasy sensation that it leaves behind. While I thought the Cherimoya was pretty good, I wouldn't make a regular habit of eating one.

The other new fruit was a Kiwano, which, while not bad, kind of raised the question of why you'd want to eat it if you had a banana or melon or....anything else handy. In fact, it's chief virtue was not taste, but extremely cool looks. I could not help but imagine it as the larvae of some alien race, or perhaps the spawn of a pod person.

She also had made me up banana icecream, which is merely frozen raw bananas which have been pureed with nothing added. I'm not sure what 80/10/10 has to say about frozen fruit as opposed to cooked, but it was damn good in any case, and probably better than many real icecreams.

Well, it's been fun guys, and I hope you'll stay tuned as I start eating shitty. I also imagine there is a certain amount of morbid curiosity in seeing someone explode in 3 days.



Sarah said...

You're funny :)

I didn't read this post before I emailed you about the other forum... but hopefully since you are planning to revisit raw at some point, that info might be relevant anyway.

Anonymous said...

Your progress has been great so far! :)

That's totally understandable about eating the typical fare at Easter. If we lived near family, I might find myself doing the same. I'll be following your blog to see if you decide to return to raw foods, and if not, at least you had a good learning experience. :)

Cherimoyas are great (and white sapotes are similar, too). The good news is they're not a fatty fruit! They're 85%c/8%p/7%f - perfect for 80/10/10. So you can indulge all you want if you do like them. I love "banana ice cream", too. Yum!

Have a Happy Easter!