Wednesday, 4/4/07
Morning Weight: 167 Pounds
+ Basal Metabolic Rate*: | 1855 kcal |
+ General Activity*: | 1090 kcal |
+ Extra Activity and Exercise: | 331 kcal |
- Weight Loss Goal: | 1000 kcal |
Day Quota: | 2276 kcal |
- Consumed: | 2011 kcal |
Calories Left: | 265 kcal |
Large Salad (Spinach, Tomatoes, Cucumbers): 124 calories
8 Oranges: 361 calories
6 Small Potatoes: 737 calories
1 1/2 Cup Kidney Beans: 337
16 Ouches Steamed Broccoli: 159 calories
2 Cups Cantaloupe: 106 calories
1 Medium Cantaloupe : 188 calories
So, first we'll cover last night. One thing I noticed is that I was a lot more "snacky". Despite my meal exceeding my normal caloric limits, I was still starving, and ended up eating a bunch more fruit to feel full after posting the blog. I felt a bit mentally dull as well, and settled down to some thoughtless reading to pass the evening before bed.
I had to drag myself out of my sheets this morning when the alarm went off, and I noticed that I was considerably less awake as I was going through my morning routine. I went to the gym and was pleasantly surprised to see that I was only a pound heavier than yesterday, which can easily be explained by the extra intestinal transit time of cooked food compared to raw. It would appear that my water weight gain is only brought on my grains and or salt. After my previous raw experiment, I ate rice on my first day off and gained back 15 pounds over the following three days.
To be honest with you though, all I really want to do is eat fruit. As I was eating potatoes today I was thinking about how much better some watermelon would be. Funny how I was romanticizing potatoes and beans when I was eating all the fruit I wanted. The grass is not greener. Which really leaves me to wonder, should I even bother to eat cooked food if I can't have grains? Most of my favorites; Chinese, Indian, Thai, Mexican, all revolve around rice. Ah well.
Also of note is that my acne came back full force. That previously permanent broken ridge of pimples around my forehead, which had been slowly receding into scar-like pink over the last week, is on the rise. I'm waiting for the battery on my camera to charge so I can take a picture, but I'll have it up later tonight.
Very interesting observation about the grains making you retain water. Being from an asian country and all, I'm kind of a rice fanatic too. I definitely miss it sometimes.
Why eat something if you don't like it? If you'd enjoy the fruit more, then eat that happily. :)
Yeah, those cuisines you mentioned are all favorites of mine, too! I miss mindlessly eating ALL I want of them.
It may also be all the salt you're omitting along with the grains. ??? I put on water weight like crazy when I have any salt.
I've been reading your blog since you posted the link over in the Steve Pavlina forums. Good stuff!
I guess I don't understand why you're calling the last couple days "the diet of shit". It seem to me like you're still eating VERY healthy stuff! I've tried a few times now to switch to a (mostly) vegan diet, but I keep falling off the wagon. :-(
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