Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Hey guys. Just wanted to point out that I'm training for a marathon. I'm writing about it in my newspaper and updating my blog for the paper daily. The first article ran today and got a huge response.

You can read about my experience at: http://running-raw.blogspot.com/

Scroll down to the bottom for the original article from the paper.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Running Through It

Sarah's post about running got me thinking.

I started running in college too. It sounds corny, but it was almost magical when I first discovered running.

I can remember it almost perfectly. I had spent a Saturday morning and afternoon mountain climbing, and I came back to my dorm with this intense energy, and a bit of mental turmoil over an unrelated topic.

I was wearing some old pair of shorts and a pair of some nearly soleless skater-like sneakers. I walked out of my dorm into the cool September night.

I can remember the smell of fall in the air, and the way the night seemed to crackle with energy like it does but rarely.

I walked along the outskirts of the college, not quite sure why I was driven to do so, until I got to a well-lit field where the soccer team was facing off against some opponent.

I just remember seeing this one player sprinting across the field at unbelievable speeds, his legs a blur, his arms swinging.

I hadn't really run anywhere in my life, I suddenly realized. I had done laps, I had run the bases in baseball, but when was the last time I had really just run? In my mind it almost seemed like I was prohibited from running in some strange way. I didn't have a reason to run. I realized that I was somewhat jealous of that soccer player sprinting away.

Suddenly, before I knew what I was doing, I was off running into the night. I flew over the sidewalks, my lungs pumping air, my blood surging, and suddenly there was a laugh on my lips.

I chuckled to myself as I weaved through the dark, because, I suddenly though, it is quite good to be alive.

Eventually my body started to complain over the new strain, and I slowed to a plodding jog. Miles went by before I found myself back at my dorm, sweating, breathing hard, but feeling intensely satisfied.

I run from today forward, I thought to myself. Now all I need is a pair of running shoes.

I'm continuing my work on my website. I just put up a page on Crohn's Disease.

I've added some ads to my site. It's my goal to make some income from my writing, and I hope that people won't be turned off by the ads. A lot of people have told me that my site really helps, and that they're inspired by it, so I hope it can be a quid pro quo situation.

I enjoy helping people, and I hope they will benefit, but it would be nice if my hours of slaving away produced some income.

I'm hoping for the best.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

I decided to tackle acne, my arch nemesis, and made a page about it today. Here it is.