Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wrapping Things Up.

I decided that, rather than continuing to post about my post-raw diet, which is really beyond the scope of my original intention, that I should just wrap things up. Readers can see where I was before, during, and after my raw experiment. I hope that this will help anyone who is curious about going raw and wondering what to expect. I highly recommend that everyone at least try a raw, fruit-centered diet for a few weeks.

I'd guess that after the adjustment, that you'll be amazed at your energy, health, mental calm, and comfort in your own body. It may not be for everyone, and I'd be willing to say that the majority of people could gain relatively high level of vitality from a Fuhrman style diet which is centered around raw fruits and vegetables with some cooked greens and a bit of grain, but I'm not sure that you'll ever find a diet that can beat 80/10/10. I don't think my body is every going to accept grains, for instance, and I know that I just feel better with no cooked food.

A few last photos from the weekend are also up. If anyone wants a really quick photo comparison between my my body on raw and on cooked vegan food, check out the difference a few days can make by clicking on my album and looking at the difference between my Diet of Shit Day One Picture (Taken in the morning before any cooked food) and my picture from this Saturday; As for acne, my other permenant bane, check out the difference between this picture taken the day before going raw, and this one taken on raw day five. Keep in mind that this was only an eight day experiment; imagine what a month could have done.

As for my future, well, I like my fruit, quite frankly, and I'll gladly eat just that if given the opportunity. Until I graduate and get my life settled down however, paying extra for all that fruit just isn't in my budget. I plan to pick the diet back up within a year or so, probably for good. Best of luck to the other bloggers working on 80/10/10, and I hope to rejoin you soon. I hope you've all enjoyed my blog.



ChrisMtl66 said...

Andrew, thanks a million for the blogging of your Raw experience. I'm considering a similar telling of what I went through last summer for 6 months.

I'll confirm a few of the phenomena you mentioned:
1. A significant initial water weight loss.
2. Cravings for some of your favorite cooked food until you actually finish a meal of fruits at which point the cravings vanish.
3. Upon returning to cooked food, the first thing I noticed was a feeling of bloating, heaviness, and the first time in 6 months I actually fell asleep in my chair after eating lunch (a meal of vegan lasagna and steamed vegetables).
4. Like yourself, I truly believe in the 80/10/10RV approach despite the knowlegde I'll have cravings, not to mention a certain pleasure surrounding events like birthdays, family get-togethers, etc. in which eating cooked food feels to be an integral part of the experience. In that light, I also thought of possibly adopting a more permanent raw diet while allowing for such occasional indulgances, including a few steamed vegetables here and there, the thought of which makes the possibility of following it for a lifetime more plausible.
5. One thing I discovered as I lost over 35 pounds and saw my abs for the first time since I was about 16 years old, was the importance of exercise. Again, a truth confirmed: you only realised how undermuscled you really are when you lose most of the useless fat you carry around. I was able to see what areas I neglected over the years.

Take care, ... it'll always be interesting to see any follow-ups you may decide to do.

- ChrisMtl66

Sarah said...

Well I've enjoyed reading your short stint. :) You seem like an intelligent guy and I've been impressed at how you listen to your body, analyze material you read well, and learn very quickly. I hope you commence blogging whenever you venture back completely into the raw food world! You'll have to let me know.