Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bananas and the future.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but I absolutely love bananas. They're cheap, nutritionally they cover a lot of ground, and they're high in calories while being low in fat.

They also taste amazing. Now that it's summer, there's little that I enjoy more than some nice, cool, banana milk. (6 bananas, 2-3 ice cubes, water, blended). Throw in some blackberries or some blueberries and you've got an entirely different experience. What more can you ask for in your food?

Anyway, I've moved into the new apartment, and everything is great, but I've been busy getting everything set up these past couple of weeks. I never imaged that hanging shades could be so time consuming.

Though I can get wireless internet for free in the apartment, the signal isn't that steady. I'm going to have to go out and buy a cable internet service.

I've been going through some visualization exercises lately, and assessing what I'm doing with my time.

I started a new raw food website, www.raw-food-health.net , a few months back, though I've been a bit too busy to add to it too frequently. I looked at the stats today, though, and my hits are rising every month despite my relative neglect.

One of the things that my exercises have pointed out is that I really want to make this site a success, for me and for others. People should have access to clear, concise, raw food information on the web, and I intend to do my best to deliver it to them so that more people can cure themselves of their diseases and find true health and happiness.

I can be an agent of positive change.

Now it's just a matter finding the time and having at it. But first, I need the internet.

I took a four hour bike ride Sunday in the rain. It was delightful. I was soaked, but I was having a great time. My legs got a bit tired towards the end, but nothing too bad.

I think I'd like to get a bit more ambitious with my riding. I've been wondering about the feasibility of a ride to Boston. I'm thinking that I could probably do it in a day if I started early and planned to arrive by evening. It's a good excuse to visit my brother, anyway.

I'm going to have to ask some advice from some raw foodist riders that I've met online, and then get into a bit better shape.

Have a good day!

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